Opening of the seventh session of the Somali Intellectuals Forum

Last Tuesday, the People's Palace hosted the opening ceremony of the seventh session of the Somali Intellectuals Forum, under the slogan “Promoting a culture of peace and peaceful coexistence in the region.” The opening ceremony of this forum was launched in the presence of the Somali Prime Minister, Mr. Hamza Abdi Barre, and the Minister of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Mr. Momen Hassan Barre. A number of ministers of the Somali federal government, the Ambassador of Djibouti to Mogadishu, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Yusuf, the Ambassador of Somalia to our country, Mr. Salat Ali Guelleh, and the Director of the Heritage Institute, Mr. Mursal Sunni, in addition to senior officials, intellectuals, scholars, and university professors, who came from the regions inhabited by Somalis in Countries of the region as well as the diaspora.
This year, the conference focuses on developing a culture of peace in the Horn of Africa, which has an impact on societies in the region, especially Somali society. This forum also constitutes a platform for discussing ways to promote a culture of peace and peaceful coexistence, by Somali researchers, intellectuals, writers, policy makers and other interested professionals. As well as analyzing the basic problems in the region and searching for permanent solutions to them.
In his speech on this occasion, the Somali Prime Minister praised Djibouti’s hosting of the conference activities, noting that the conference has great importance for society in the Horn of Africa region.

The Somali Prime Minister thanked those in charge of the forum for their effective role in disseminating scientific research and launching constructive seminars related to Somali society and the region in general.
In the end, the Somali Prime Minister, Mr. Hamza Abdi Barre, appreciated the role of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh, in bringing peace and stability to Somalia.
For his part, the Minister of Islamic Affairs and Endowments welcomed the officials and intellectuals participating in the forum, wishing them a pleasant stay in their second country, Djibouti. He also expressed his happiness at participating in this annual forum of the Heritage Institute.
He added: We are happy to participate in this forum of the Heritage Institute, stressing the keenness of Djibouti, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Haj Ismail Omar Guelleh, to sponsor and support it during the past six years.
Source: Al-Qarn newspaper


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