The Ministry of Social Affairs organizes a ceremony to honor the trainees at Al-Rahma Complex.

The Ministry of Social Affairs, in cooperation with the Al-Rahma Development Complex in Djibouti, organized a ceremony to honor young people trained in handicrafts and computers at the industrial school in the complex.
The ceremony was attended by the technical advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity, Mr. Mahmoud Balla.
This training course, which lasted 6 months during which the trainees received 600 hours of training, included various fields such as carpentry, blacksmithing, aluminum, and computers.
The Director of the International Mercy Society said that the Society has been keeping pace with the government’s efforts in sustainable development in many fields for more than two decades, including health, social, educational and developmental fields.
For his part, the advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity said that the social development policy is based on youth employment, by finding effective solutions that will help this broad segment of society to reach self-sufficiency, by engaging in the labor market, or establishing small projects of their own.
From this standpoint, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity has developed a program aimed at strengthening training courses for youth.
In conclusion, certificates and craft tools were distributed to the trainees so they would be ready to enter the labor market.


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