An important meeting of the Legislation, Public Administration and Human Rights Committee

The Legislation, Public Administration and Human Rights Committee, headed by MP Kaltoum Fareh Saeed, held a meeting to discuss the following five legal projects.
Draft Law No. 104 of 2024 / Ninth Legislative Assembly, amending Law No. 110 of 2011 issued by the Sixth Legislative Assembly regarding combating the financing of terrorism.
Draft Law No. 105 of 2024 / Ninth Legislative Assembly, amending Law No. 111 of 2011, issued by the Sixth Legislative Assembly regarding combating terrorism and other serious crimes..
Draft Law No. 106 of 2024 / Ninth Legislature, amending Law No. 112 of 2011 issued by the Sixth Legislature relating to money laundering, confiscation, and international cooperation regarding proceeds of crime.
Draft Law No. 103 of 2024/Ninth Legislative Assembly, related to preventing and combating corruption.
Draft Law No. 107 of 2024/Ninth Legislative Assembly, relating to the organization and work of civil society organizations.
Participating in this session, in addition to the members of the committee, were the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Saeed Nuh Hassan, the Minister of Justice and the Prisons Service, in charge of human rights, Mr. Ali Hassan Bahdoun, and accompanied by the Public Prosecutor, Mr. Jami Suleiman Ali, and senior officials of the Justice Department.
After constructive discussions, the Legislation, Public Administration and Human Rights Committee introduced some amendments to these studied legal drafts, and decided to refer them to the plenary session of the National Assembly.
Source: Al-Qarn newspaper


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