Djiboutian-Somali talks to enhance parliamentary cooperation

As part of its visit to the country, the Somali parliamentary delegation held two separate meetings with members of the Legislation, Public Administration, Human Rights, Social Development and Environmental Protection committees of the National Assembly.
In this regard, the delegation led by the Acting Minister of Women and Human Rights, Representative Amna Hassan Adam, met initially with the Committee on Legislation, Public Administration and Human Rights, headed by Representative Kulthum Farah Saeed, where the parliamentary delegation closely examined the expertise that the Djibouti Parliament enjoys in the field of protection Child.
Discussions between members of the aforementioned committee and Somali parliamentarians focused on developing and implementing policies and laws aimed at protecting children, with a focus on the progress made by the National Assembly in this vital area.
This meeting enabled Somali parliamentarians to learn about the work of the Committee on Legislation, Public Administration, Human Rights and the Legislative Framework for Children's Rights.
In another context, the Somali delegation held a similar working meeting with members of the Social Development and Environmental Protection Committee of the National Assembly, headed by Representative Kamel Hamad, during which the experience and good practices of the National Assembly were highlighted, especially in the field of empowering people with disabilities.
Meanwhile, the committee's main role in addressing social issues affecting the population, reviewing projects related to the health, education, employment and social protection sectors, as well as promoting equal opportunities, was reviewed.
This meeting allowed Somali parliamentarians to deepen their understanding of the experience of the Djibouti Parliament, especially in implementing policies and laws that promote child protection and support for persons with disabilities.
At the conclusion of the discussions, the two sides expressed their desire to enhance joint cooperation between the parliaments of the two brotherly countries.


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