$130 million investments by the World Bank in Djibouti and Ethiopia in support of communication technology.

The World Bank has approved $130 million in financing for a series of regional digital connectivity projects in East Africa.

The funding aims to provide communities in Djibouti and Ethiopia, including border areas, refugees and host communities, with broadband connectivity.

The World Bank Regional Director stated: “By promoting a single digital market in the Horn of Africa, this initiative expands its benefits to include the northern regions of Tadjoura and Abakh, which contributes significantly to the country’s digital inclusion strategy.” Integration in Africa and the Middle East.

The financing is part of a series of initiatives supported by the World Bank to encourage digital market expansion in the Horn of Africa. The first operation in the series covers Somalia, South Sudan and Kenya. This brings the total number of countries covered to five.
Finally, note that in recent years, East Africa has been one of the fastest growing economic regions on the continent. To get better results, investors choose digital development.


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