The Director General of the Zakat Bureau confirms the role of imams and preachers in mosques in raising awareness about paying zakat.

The Director General of the Zakat Office stressed the important role of imams, preachers, and scholars in educating merchants and the rich about paying zakat, calling on them, in this regard, to highlight the importance of the zakat pillar in Friday sermons, in addition to the short sermons that punctuate Tarawih prayers.
  This came in a speech he delivered during the iftar banquet held by the Zakat Office during the holy month of Ramadan every year, to the distinguished scholars, preachers, and imams of mosques and mosques in Djibouti City, drawing attention to the great responsibility placed on them with regard to educating society about the necessity of implementing the obligation of zakat.
  Mr. Sulaiman Hassan Musa took this opportunity to urge the imams of mosques to use the pulpits during the last ten days of Ramadan to call on merchants and those who are obligated to pay zakat, among the rich and well-to-do, to submit the zakat of their money to the Zakat Bureau, as it is the official body authorized to collect zakat and then redistribute it to those who deserve it from the legitimate banks.
For their part, scholars and imams explained that zakat aims to purify souls of greed and stinginess, and to enhance the spirit of equality and social justice, as it works to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor and distribute wealth among members of society.
  During this occasion, a statement by the Islamic Supreme Council was distributed regarding the quorum of zakat for this year 1445 AH corresponding to 2024, which amounts to 680,000 Djiboutian francs.
It should be noted that the Zakat Office, which was established at the generous initiative of the President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh in 2004, is responsible, in addition to zakat and sponsorship, for implementing many charitable projects, such as construction projects and financing projects for needy families, in addition to seasonal projects.
Source: Al-Qarn newspaper


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