The conclusion of the Holy Quran memorization competition under the patronage of the Minister of Defense

The General Administration of Armed Forces Relations, under the auspices of the Minister of Defense, concluded last Thursday the Holy Qur’an memorization competition, which it has been organizing annually during the holy month of Ramadan. The closing ceremony of this Qur’anic competition took place, in which many memorizers of the Book of God Almighty from the armed forces competed at various levels.
The occasion, which was opened with clear verses from the wise revelation, included poetic poems that shed light on the prestigious status of the Holy Qur’an, and the necessity of caring for it in recitation, memorization, and recitation, as well as honoring its people, the people of God and His special ones. During this joyful ceremony dedicated to honoring the first winners in this Quranic demonstration, Captain Muhammad Amin Muhammad, Head of the Arab World Department in the General Administration of the Military Institution, delivered a speech by the Chief of the General Staff, stressing the great importance of this type of competition that contributes to preparing a good generation. A Muslim cultivated by the morals of the Qur’an, equipped with its morals and guided by its guidance.
He took this opportunity to congratulate the memorizers who excelled in the competition and won first places, praising also the main role of the arbitration committee, which adhered to the standards, controls and arbitration mechanisms, and made every effort to make this Quranic forum a success, which falls within the framework of serving the Mighty Book of God.
  Similar to previous editions, this occasion culminated in honoring the first winners and handing them symbolic prizes by the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff. It should be noted that Qur’anic competitions, in general, motivate young people to raise the level of their knowledge and skills in the Holy Qur’an and enhance Islamic values and morals in their lives.
Source: Al-Qarn newspaper


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