Distribution of sponsorship benefits to orphans in the capital

This morning, the Diwan Zakat Foundation distributed the third and fourth batches of orphan sponsorship for the year 2023.
The total number of orphan children who benefited was about 1,160, with each child receiving an amount of 30,000 Djiboutian francs.
The distribution of the third and fourth batches of orphan benefits was supervised by the Director General of the Zakat Bureau, Mr. Suleiman Hussein Musa, in the presence of his closest assistants, in addition to the mothers of orphan children.
It should be noted that this process comes in the wake of the completion of the distribution of zakat and sponsorship at the level of the interior regions of the country, which began on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.
According to Zakat Bureau officials, sponsoring orphans is considered a noble charitable act that promotes social justice and achieves well-being and development in societies.
Sponsorship can also protect orphans, who sometimes suffer from marginalization and exploitation, from these risks and provide them with a safe and protected environment.
The Director General of the Zakat Bureau, in a short intervention to the media, indicated that the delivery of sponsorship to children registered with the Bureau in Djibouti, the capital, and the Balbla suburb, comes after the completion of its distribution at the regional level, along with the distribution of the zakat proceeds for the year 2023.
He stressed that this initiative comes about three days after the disbursement of zakat funds to those entitled to them in the city of Djibouti, and before that the interior regions, noting that the total amounts distributed so far amounted to 150 million Djiboutian francs.
Mr. Suleiman Hussein Musa took this opportunity to urge merchants and the rich to the rich and merchants to take the initiative to provide their zakat and contribute effectively to the orphan sponsorship project launched by the President of the Republic in 2007.


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