Djibouti strongly condemns the targeting of defenseless civilians in the northern Gaza Strip

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Djibouti condemned the war of starvation that is happening to civilians in the northern Gaza Strip. The statement stated the following: “The Republic of Djibouti condemns in the strongest terms the heinous massacres committed by the Israeli occupation forces against defenseless civilians who were waiting for humanitarian and relief aid to arrive in northern Gaza, which led to Hundreds of them were killed and injured.
  Djibouti renews its call on the international community to take a serious stance and move immediately and urgently to stop the occupation’s brutal crimes and its disregard for Palestinian blood, in the context of its ongoing brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip, in a way that ensures the provision of protection for the brotherly Palestinian people and the delivery of humanitarian, relief and medical aid to the people of the Strip in a complete, safe and sustainable manner, and puts An end to the unjust siege, starvation, and forced displacement they are subjected to.
The Republic of Djibouti also reaffirms its firm and firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, including the establishment of their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.


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