The President of the National Assembly meets with residents of Ali Sabieh region

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Dilita Mohamed Dilita, arrived in the Ali Sabieh region, in the south of the country.
Mr. Delita Muhammad Delita was accompanied on this visit, which aims to closely examine the living conditions of citizens in this region, by members of the association’s executive office, including the first vice president of the association, Mrs. Safia Elmi Jibril.
The convoy of the parliamentary delegation, led by the Speaker of the National Assembly, stopped to inspect National Road No. 5, which had been rehabilitated, putting an end to the suffering that the residents of the district were experiencing while going to or returning from the regional capital.
Upon its arrival in the city of Ali Sabieh, the parliamentary delegation received a warm, barefoot reception from the local authorities and the people, who welcomed them with popular songs and dances, expressing their great enthusiasm to meet the head of the legislative authority.
At the forefront of my reception were the President of the National Assembly and his accompanying delegation, the Governor of the region, Mr. Abdul Malik Muhammad Benwita, and the President of the Regional Council, Mr. Sharmarka Hassan Alale, in addition to the military and religious authorities, dozens of notables and notables, and representatives of youth and women’s associations.
This visit, which will include the rest of the interior regions, aims to strengthen ties between citizens and institutions, and to promote sustainable development throughout the national territory.
The head of the legislative authority and his companions held an important meeting with the residents, which enabled them to listen to their demands and monitor their needs in various fields, where he pledged to transfer their demands to the ministerial departments concerned with them.

In a brief speech, Mr. Deleta Mohammed Deleta expressed his thanks and appreciation to the people of the Ali Sabieh region for the warm reception and hospitality that he received since his arrival in the capital of the region.
He pointed out that his current tour to the regions is part of following up on the government's efforts related to strengthening the decentralization system, in line with the policy of the President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh, aimed at bringing government departments and services closer to citizens in the interior regions.


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