National Solidarity Week convoy in Arta

The activities of the National Solidarity Week continue in the interior regions of the country, and in this context the convoy arrived in the city of Arta, under the auspices of the Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity, Mrs. Aloufa Ismail, and the Secretary-General of the National Union of Women of Djibouti, Mrs. Fatima Abdi, along with a number of parliamentarians, and in the presence of the governor of the region. Mr. Hassan Dablah, the head of the regional council, Mr. Elmi Bouh Joud Adi, and others.
The event, which was held after a visit to the rural Karta district of the Arta region, provided an opportunity for the residents of Arta to hold constructive discussions with the minister, which focused on the activities and projects implemented by the ministry at the region level with the aim of improving the living and economic conditions of the population, especially poor families and those with limited income.
    The Minister affirmed her intention to redouble the efforts made to reduce poverty and unemployment, and improve the conditions of the population by strengthening the social programs under implementation, especially the cash transfer program, which enables its beneficiaries to engage in income-generating economic activities that help them meet their necessary needs.
The Minister expressed her thanks and appreciation to the residents and local authorities in Arta for their warm reception and hospitality, pointing out that the National Solidarity Week, which was launched by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh, in 2008, for the first time, falls within the framework of efforts aimed at reducing poverty rates and consolidating the values of Cooperation and solidarity between segments of society.


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