The digital caravan in the city of Arta concludes the activities of the second phase

Within the framework of the educational program launched by the Center for Technology and Innovation for Development, which focuses on digital skills, with the support of the Ministry in charge of the digital economy and innovation through the Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training, the Ministry of Information in charge of Posts and Telecommunications, and the United Nations Development Programme.
The Technology and Innovation Center for Development in the city of Arta concluded the activities of the digital caravan, in the presence of the Deputy Governor of the Region, Mr. Muhammad Fawzi, and the President of the Regional Council, Mr. Elmi Bouh Joud, along with the Chief Director General of Education, Mr. Abdel Durar, and the General Director of the Technology Center. , Mr. Sumter Abdel.
Other high-ranking figures, such as directors of educational institutions and administrative staff, in addition to other invitees, also participated in a ceremony to conclude the activities of this educational caravan, which aims to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and accelerate digital inclusion.
According to those responsible for it, the second phase of this digital tour enabled the implementation of the CODE 4 YOUTH program, which brought together 35 young technology enthusiasts who came from various educational facilities in the Arta region.
The special Arta Digital Caravan made it possible to achieve its goal of transporting teenagers and young adults to the world of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and robotics to better prepare them for future careers.
This step is considered the beginning of a new era of learning and development for the youth of the interior regions, by providing access to science and technology.


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