Djibouti celebrates International Arabic Language Day

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training, in cooperation with the Association of Arab Private Schools and the General Union of Djiboutian Intellectuals, organized a celebration of International Arabic Language Day at the People’s Palace.
The ceremony was attended by: the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Mr. Mustafa Muhammad Mahmoud, the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, the Ambassador of Yemen to our country, Mr. Abdullah Muslim, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine, Dr. Ruwaid Abu Amsha, and the Director of the Arab Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Muhammad Daala Waleh, in addition to the President Arab Private Schools Association Mr. Abdel Rahman Abdi Ahmed. The President of the General Union of Djiboutian Intellectuals, Mr. Ahmed Shami.
The ceremony included many cultural, literary and artistic activities, including poetry poems that flooded the hall with beauty, splendor, astonishment and joy by the creative poets Abdel-Warith Ali Adam and Ibrahim Abdel-Rahman Dawoud.
Representative scenes presented by Arab school students embody the development and progress in teaching the Arabic language, and the efforts made by the government to develop, enhance and further advance the Arabic language.
At the conclusion of his speech, Minister Mustafa Mohamed Mahmoud announced the launch of the annual National Arabic Language Week.

The ceremony concluded by honoring the figures who contributed to creating a cultural revival and reviving the literary movement in our country, including writers from the Republic of Djibouti who completed works that constituted a qualitative addition to the Arab library in Djibouti.


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