An awareness day about malnutrition in Ali Sabieh

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, the Peace and Development Organization held, last Thursday, in the city of Ali Sabieh, an awareness day on malnutrition and ways to reduce it, especially among young children under five years of age.

The meeting was opened by the President of the Regional Council, Mr. Sharmarke Hassan Alalah, and the Second Deputy Governor, Mr. Omar Idris Sajjah, in the presence of the Coordinator of the Expanded Vaccination Program at Ali Sabih Regional Hospital, who thanked UNICEF and the French Development Agency for the financial support provided to organize this important event, and praised Likewise, the Peace and Milk non-governmental organization is concerned with improving the health conditions of people living in rural areas.

This event targeted pregnant and breastfeeding women, in partnership with the French Development Agency and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which helps governments adopt policies that encourage healthy food environments and improve the availability of nutritious foods, in addition to enhancing access to nutritious, safe and affordable foods. .
Many notables, notables, and women leaders also participated in this awareness day, in addition to health care providers, who came from the rural areas of Ali Sabieh Province.

It is scheduled that medical teams from the Ministry of Health will go to these areas - as soon as possible - to conduct malnutrition checks, provide vitamin and iron supplements, and verify the vaccination status at the level of those areas, according to what those in charge of the program indicated.


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