Signing a partnership agreement between Djibouti and Taiz

The Governor of Djibouti, Mr. Saeed Dawoud, signed an agreement with the Governor of Taiz, Mr. Nabil Shamsan, to establish a twin relationship between Djibouti, the capital, and the city of Taiz, based on the deep-rooted social, economic, cultural and historical relations between the two brotherly peoples.
The Governor of Djibouti and the Governor of Taiz agreed to establish a twinning relationship with the aim of consolidating the existing bilateral relations between the Republic of Djibouti and the Republic of Yemen, within the framework of strengthening cultural and tourism ties, the flow of trade and investment, and building infrastructure capabilities between the residents of the two cities, and forming a technical committee consisting of four people, each party to appoint Two high-level officials, and the technical committee will be responsible for the work accomplished through the collaborative efforts of both parties.

The agreement also stipulates the promotion and encouragement of cultural tourism, trade exchanges, investment flows, and the exchange of experiences in the fields of infrastructure construction and job creation within the framework of cooperation agreements between the governments of the two countries, and that the technical committee holds its periodic meetings once a year, alternately in each of the cities of Djibouti and Taiz.


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